The Creation of Beautiful Things
What is This?
This is a host for my creative endeavors, mostly original fiction and erotic works. A majority of my fanworks can be found in my AO3 link above, though there may be a few that will be hosted here. There are also character shrines, and potentially some of my fibercraft as well.
On the Appearance of the Site
I haven't used html in years, so this will probably look like a WIP forever. That's part of the charm, though. Anyone remember fandom forums? I remember fandom forums. That's the last time I used HTML. I was an admin on an RP forum way back when, and I really shouldn't have been. If I recall correctly, I lied about my age, as one did back then. If anyone from SoulxSociety ever finds this site, hey, what's up! This is Kitty. I'm a man now, and only marginally better at html. Sorry about completely destroying the site that one time.
Site Info/Features
Click the cat at the top of the page, and he'll chase your cursor around! If you want him to stop, just click him again.
Beware, there is a marquee of blinkies at the very bottom of the page. I believe the ones that flash are too small to be dangerous, but if you are worried, you can also use the Google Chrome extension Play the Gif, or the Firefox extension Toggle Animated Gif, or the extension Gif Scrubber which is available for either browswer.
CSS by EGGRAMEN. HTML Generated by Backgrounds from Cat from Web Neko Server. Moon Phases from Moon Connection. Almost all blinkies found on tumblr.