The Angel
Originally Written April 2015I saw an angel today,
she wore my skin,
and she wore it better even than me.
She smiled with a smile that was better than mine,
and she spoke with a voice that was brighter than mine,
and she gave out a heart that was lovely than mine.
I tried to catch this angel,
I’m ashamed to say,
I wanted so badly her wings,
and her dress of white and purest heart
and freedom to do as she pleased.
The sun was shining today,
but it wasn’t shining for me, or for mine,
but for her, for hers, for everything I should have been,
everything I’m trying very hard to be.
I coveted an angel today,
an angel who stole my face.
She took it on and off like a masquerade,
switching from angel to devil and back and back,
but in the end, she was her, in her white and blue,
with her bright wings and feathers that are better than mine.